Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Shaping of our Philosophy
During our college years Pam and I were impacted by “The Master Plan of Disciple Making” by Robert Coleman (2 Timothy 2:2).  Thanks to people like Dave Giles, Brady Bobbink and Bob Stone for investing in me! For the past 35 years we’ve resisted the corporate consumer driven mindset that pushes Christian leaders to be financially and numerically successful more than biblically and spiritually fruitful.  Bigger and faster is not how Jesus made disciples.  His approach was fewer and longer!

One of my seminary professors shared in a chapel service something that confused me back in my 20’s, but makes a lot of sense 35 years later. “The cultural values of efficiency and productivity (gods of corporate America), are mutually exclusive to the biblical values of spirituality and community”.

Thank you to those friends and mentors who modeled to us and equipped to make disciples who are:
·      Spiritually alive in Christ
·      Relationally connected to one another
·      Missionally engaged in the world
By building communities that:
·      Connect people into relational networks
·      Equip them to Pursue God’s truth at the heart level
·      Unleash them to Respond with a life of sacrificial service

Face to Face and Heart to Heart
In our Haven for the Heart ministry we invest personally and relationally in a few faithful leaders who will be encouraged and equipped to be a Haven for the Hearts of those in their lives or ministries.  As we help start and strengthen a wide range of biblical communities, we take long seasons to invest deeply in a few faithful leaders who have great impact in their regions and denominations.  One such leadership couple, is Todd and Lisa Fetters.  We were invited to be a haven for their hearts, as they were a haven for the hearts of others.

“When it was first announced that I was coming to the UB National Office, Mike was one of my first phone calls. He was integral to my loving and serving Devonshire Church well in my last five years with them. Because of Mike, I was able to finish well at Devonshire.

My path intersected with Mike in 2007 through the encouragement of a mutual friend. I didn’t know Mike and he didn’t know me. However, we hit it off instantly due to Mike’s contagious love for Jesus and his ability to identify with hurting pastors who have lost their way in ministry and desperately want to find it.

In 2007, I was plagued with insecurity, anxiety, and dread. Mentally, I couldn’t dream or think my way through any personal or ministry challenge. Relationally, I trusted no one and consequently, was cold and distant with my family, my friends, and my parishioners. Spiritually, I was dry as desert sand as God and I were hardly on speaking terms. Twenty-one years of pastoral ministry had taken a toll on me and those around me.

Mike’s ministry is that of a true paraclete. He came alongside and mentored me with his CPR for the Soul strategy (Connect | Pursue | Respond). Here’s what Mike’s ministry looked like for me:

· Mike helped me CONNECT with compassionate friends and courageous mentors. Mike knows that every spiritual leader needs friends who share the journey of ministry. He came alongside our entire ministry leadership team and helped to develop us into an authentic spiritual community. Trust was forged as we lived out the “one anotherings” of scripture. We prayed together. We shared one another’s burdens. We loved and forgave one another as Christ loved and forgave each of us. As a result, I was never alone in ministry again.

· Mike encouraged me to PURSUE the truth of God’s heart that transforms the soul. Like a true brother, Mike entered the battle for my soul with me. He pointed me in Jesus’ direction, making it clear that uninterrupted and unapologetic time alone with Jesus was the only way out of my spiritual dryness. Over the course of 2-3 years, with the Gospels as my close companions, my heart was touched by the Holy Spirit and revived with a refilling that exists still to this day.

· Mike challenged me to RESPOND with a life of passion and purpose. Eventually, vision returned. This time the vision was not my own, but the Lord’s. I learned that the only thing worth doing is walking with the Lord, doing only what the Lord wants done. I re-learned that God’s will is not something that I discover alone. Rather, the Lord’s will is caught through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and godly voice of His people that I serve.

Today I serve in this denominational leadership role with a responsibility for the spiritual health and vitality of our pastors. Mike and his wife, Pam, are dear partners with their Haven for the Heart ministry. I’m pretty particular about who sees our pastors. The Dittmans are compassionate, dedicated, and trustworthy. Their love for the Lord is genuine and infectious. Together, Mike and Pam are Haven for the Heart. They are tremendous hosts who make sure that their home is a place where space is given for the Holy Spirit to speak and be heard. But, as hospitable as they are with their home, it’s their hearts that are most hospitable. When Mike and Pam serve you, you are truly never alone.” – Todd Fetters

The CPR process that Todd referred to is central to how we do biblical counseling and spiritual direction, plant churches and lead groups, build marriages and strengthen families. It’s simply the three dynamics for how God transforms lives.

·      I’ve posted three blogs, which summarize what I taught and demonstrated at the pastors retreat about CPR, titled “Facilitating Transformational Communities.
·      Go to our blog resource section to listen and watch a video clip of what I taught and demonstrated with these people concerning CPR (this will be posted by March 15th).
·      Come experience a haven for your heart and be equipped to be a haven for the hearts of others! For more information download our Haven for the Heart Retreat packet.

Please Note
Thanks for your prayer support, personal encouragement and financial investment! Rather than using our newsletters or blogs to communicate with those of you on our P.A.S.T., we have decided to connect with you through personal emails, phone calls and visits!  If you are interested in being a part of this team, let us know!

Never Alone,
Mike and Pam

Monday, February 9, 2015

CPR: Facilitating Transformational Communities

In the following three blogs you are given a brief synopsis of the concepts and principles I taught and demonstrated at a recent pastors training retreat. The “training pathway” I set up for the UBC cluster leaders began with several small group training sessions that we did in various regions of the country. Last year I did an intensive teaching seminar with a follow up interview discussing each of the three dynamics (you can access these on our blog resource section). This year I briefly summarized each transformational dynamic and then demonstrated it with a small group of pastors. You can watch the process by going to our resource section (this video should be posted by the end of February). The final training phase will be a Supervised Field Experience where I watch them do it and then do some personalized coaching.

·      Sharing the Journey by Connecting with Others
·      Entering the Battle by Pursuing the Truth
·      Walking with God by Responding with Purpose

Go to the sidebar resource list to listen to Mike talk about how to lead small groups with these dynamics, as well as see Mike demonstrate and discuss this process with pastors.

Sharing the Journey (Part One)

The first dynamic in a transformational community gathering is connecting with one another by genuinely relating with compassionate courage. Listen to the podcast interview (part one) in Resource Section.
·      Why relating is important - Hebrews 10:24-25
We are all created by God to live in community. It is not good for humans to be alone and we must strive to stay connected to one another. We need to resist the temptation to isolate ourselves, especially when we are hurt or fearful. The lies of the evil one(s) that harden our hearts only work when we are disconnected from community. Our hearts need ongoing encouragement to stay tender and selfless.

·      How to facilitate relating - Acts 20:28
 We, as shepherds, are to be feeding and teaching the flock under our care and make our primary goal to love well. (1 Timothy 1:5, 1 Peter 3:1-5) To be the kind of servant who does not control people out of pride or insecurity, but loves them well, will require us to know the true condition of our people as well as our lives. Are they/we encouraged in heart and united in love - what’s really happening spiritually and relationally? (Colossians 1:28-2:3, Philippians 2:1)

·      The following two questions are helpful in facilitating the process of relating:
1.    How do you interact with others and impact the group atmosphere?
2.    How are you helping others participate and see their style of relating?

·      Take some time to discuss your personal and relational challenges as you head into 2015. How would you assess the true condition of your life and ministry?

·      Haven for the Heart has a two step strategy where we help leaders experience a haven for their hearts and become equipped to be a haven for the hearts of others. We hope that you and your spouse or ministry team will take advantage of a Haven for the Heart retreat. During a Haven for the Heart retreat we will cover in further detail each of the 3 dynamics of the CPR process.

Entering the Battle(Part Two)

The second dynamic for facilitating transformational communities is pursuing the truth by honestly reflecting on God’s revelation and our realities. Listen to the podcast interview (part two) in our resource section.
·      Why reflecting on truth is important - John 8:31-32, Romans 12:2
No substantial or lasting transformation occurs without accurately understanding and believing the truth. If truth doesn’t penetrate the issues of the heart there will be no real fruit. As leaders we must honestly and consistently reflect on our lives and doctrine (who we are and what we teach). We must study to show ourselves approved as a pastor who rightly handles the word of God.

·      How to facilitate heart reflection on truth - Proverbs 20:5, James 1:19
There are two key questions you should be asking to help facilitate a biblical discussion that addresses heart issues.
1. What’s going on inside of us as we reflect on these truths?
2. How am I drawing out our real thoughts and feelings?

·      The book, Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp,  is a great resource to draw upon and discuss in your cluster groups and points you to some core biblical truths that can transform our lives and ministries. What truths have encouraged or challenged you the most in this book? What do you anticipate being most helpful or difficult as you discuss the book, A Work of Heart by Reggie McNeal?

·      Haven for the Heart has a two step strategy where we help leaders experience a haven for their hearts and become equipped to be a haven for the hearts of others. We hope that you and your spouse or ministry team will take advantage of a Haven for the Heart retreat. During a Haven for the Heart retreat we will cover in further detail each of the 3 dynamics of the CPR process.

Walking with God (Part Three)

The third dynamic to ensure that community gatherings will lead to authentic life change and ministry effectiveness is to motivate response toward God and others. Listen to podcast interview (part three) in our resource section.
·      Why responding in trust and obedience is important - Hebrews 10:24, James 1:23-25 A community must spur each other on toward maturity. If we merely discuss the truth and do not do what it says, we become hypocrites and deceive ourselves.

·      How to facilitate responsiveness toward God and others - Phil. 3:12-14, Ps 51:12-13 I’ve given you two questions that help make action steps very personal and specific.
1. What is God calling us to do in relationship to Him and others?
2. How do I invite others to respond toward God in a more restful and risky way?

·      Find a friend this week and discuss issues of your heart and how you want to make movement toward God and others. Pray together for the help of the Holy Spirit as you do this.

·      Haven for the Heart has a two step strategy where we help leaders experience a haven for their hearts and become equipped to be a haven for the hearts of others. We hope that you and your spouse or ministry team will take advantage of a Haven for the Heart retreat. During a Haven for the Heart retreat we will cover in further detail each of the 3 dynamics of the CPR process.