Friday, June 22, 2012

Boys to Men: The need for godly brothers and spiritual fathers

It's been a burden and ministry of mine to be a godly mentor to other men and spiritual father to a growing generation who are confused and isolated. There are so many personal and cultural issues that are derailing men from being the kind of leaders and lovers God desires.

From the beginning of my Christian journey I've had godly, wise, loving brothers (friends), and fathers (mentors) who invested in me and unleashed me to do this with others (2 Timothy 2:2).  My story of struggle and the insights I've gained on this journey go beyond a blog post or a 30 minute sermon.  But if you would like to get a piece of my heart concerning this then listen to my message from this past Sunday's Father's Day sermon.  I did a little vision casting for one of our campus churches.  Click Here to listen.

Our journey to understand biblical masculinity and to embrace the calling of a godly man is not easy.  We all have unique of wounds and wishes, of longings and addictions, of shattered dreams and broken relationships.  These stories can not be adequately shared, entered, or altered on a blog or in a book.  Men must be "face to face and heart to heart with other men!"

Therefore I invite you and a few of your "band of brothers" to join with me on a retreat or on a series of one on one coaching sessions where we can unpack your journey.  This journey has an outside story, a inside story, and a larger story that is rooted in the realities of one's past, present, and future.  In these men's retreats and follow up mentoring sessions we will focus on three dynamics.

1) Connecting with God: spiritual life disciplines

All of our hearts have been a journey that has both wounds and shackles.  Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and set the captives free. We will gather together to wrestle with the biblical and personal realities of the scriptures and our souls.

2) Pursing one-another: relationship building dynamics

Who we are shows up on how we relate.  How we as men handle stress, lost, conflict and hurt is critical.  Where we run, or how we hide is crucial.  The focus of this session is designed to help us wrestle together with how to connect with others and cultivate community life.

3) Responding to life: ministry vision directions

What is our calling and purpose of life as men.  How do we unleash our hearts and embrace his mission? In this last session we will wrestle with your vision and the challenges of what God has designed to be / do.